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My goal is to unleash every human’s potential, providing a relentless mindset and unparalleled physical abilities.

I am Lee Stoker

I don’t just love ‘fitness’, to me this isn’t a hobby or career this is absolutely everything. Watching humanity slowly devolve unexplainably aggravates me. We are the product of millions of years of violent evolution and somehow, we’ve wound up sitting behind desks living a repetitive sedentary lifestyle, brainwashed forgetting the potential that sits dormant within us.

As a teenager, humans fascinated me, how we adhere to certain rules and perceived normalities eluded me and as you’d imagine often landed me in trouble.

Then one day, just walking my dog it hit me, in the house my dog would just chill on the sofa, eating, sleeping, playing, passing the time like any domesticated dog would but the second I let him off the lead, his energy was suddenly uncontainable, running between the trees, jumping in the river, chasing anything that moved. To me at that point (and I’m sure to him) he was a wolf.
No one told him to go and act wild it was just engrained in his DNA, just like humans. We too have a wild side that needs letting lose and I’m here to take the lead off.

This is all I needed for me to return to training in 2011 after a few years out and I’ve never looked back. Whether I’m boxing, grappling, lifting weights or running I’m improving and more importantly I’m sane. I’m addicted to progress. This approach has allowed me to help a huge array of people from the ‘average’ gym goer to Olympic and world champions.

This is the philosophy I wish to instill on everyone, find what it is that makes you feel free and through specific training & nutrition I will help you achieve your potential in those brief moments of freedom.


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